10 drawbacks of Second hand Smoking
You should quit now
Second hand smoking also called passive smoking or involuntary smoking. The tobacco smoke exhaled by a smoker inhaled by nearby persons even if they are non-smoker.
1- cancers
Second hand smoke people have higher risk of many cancers including lung, bladder, colorectal, stomach, and pancreas and larynx cancers. (1)
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2- Kidney diseases
A large study included more than 130 thousands non-smokers with normal kidney functions. After long follow-up; the second-hand smoke individuals were at significant higher risk of chronic kidney diseases compared to non-exposure people. (2)
3— Second hand smoking increases Preterm birth risk
Preterm delivery is an obstetric condition associated with a high risk of infant death and diseases in both the neonatal period and later in life. In addition; Preterm birth has a significant societal economic burden..(3)
4- Dental Caries
Passive smoking increases risk of dental caries in children and adolescents. (4)
5- Pulmonary tuberculosis
Passive smoking predisposes to latent and active tuberculosis infections. (5)
6—Childhood passive smoking and
puberty timing
Girls exposed to passive smoking exposure have an earlier age of puberty.(6)
7—Second hand smoke & Fetal growth in-uterus
Maternal smoking during pregnancy causes reduced fetal measurements particularly reduced head size and femur length. Surprisingly; If mothers quit or reduce cigarette consumption during pregnancy these effects can be reduced.(7)
8— Second hand smoking & Cardiovascular hazards
Childhood passive smoke exposure is associated with many cardiac diseases risk factors. for example; premature atherosclerosis, obesity, disturbed cholesterol blood levels and diabetes mellitus type II occurrence.(8)
9— Autism spectrum disorder(ASD)
Research showed conflicting results. In fact; suggesting that the impact of smoking on the development of ASD may differ by race.
A study using 190 Han children aged 3–21 years with and without autism in China. The study found that maternal second-hand smoke exposure during pregnancy, was significantly associated with autism. they suggested that maternal smoking may be associated with ASD among Asians race. (9)
10—Second hand smoke & Risks of miscarriage
All women of reproductive age should know that both active as well as passive smoking increases the risk of miscarriage.(10)