Causes of clear /Actual antibiotics failure to cure
You are taking your antibiotics regularly however you do not improve. what are the causes of antibiotics failure so you can properly get the best results of treatment? While the laboratory culture tests confirm your antibiotic is effective against the bacteria however the drug is inactive inside your body. Why the antibiotics fail and how is the cure?
Inadequate coverage/species of the microbe tops causes of antibiotics failure
Wrong choice or inadequate treatment duration or poly-microbial infection that require combination treatment are causes of clear antibiotics failure.
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Antibiotic tolerance with resistant bacterial strains.
Inadequate antibiotic tissue levels
clear Antibiotic failure may occur because of sub-therapeutic drug levels due to inadequate doses or intervals. Therefore, monitoring of drug levels and adjusting dose and intervals is important.
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Un-drained abscess.
Foreign body related infection is a cause of clear antibiotic failure. The foreign body should be removed to clear the infection.
Protected focus of infection cause of antibiotic failure
- For example, cerebrospinal fluid in bacterial meningitis is protected by the blood brain barrier.
- Organ hypoperfusion (eg. Chronic osteomyelitis in diabetics).
- Drug induced interactions, either with other drugs or with foods.
- Antibiotic inactivation/antagonism which significantly contributes to the disadvantages of inappropriate antibiotic combinations.
- Decreased antibiotic activity in tissue.
Fungal Super-infection
(An anti-fungal should be added) or unsuspected secondary bacterial infection can also cause antibiotics failure to cure the disease.
Treating colonization not infection
Colonization is more difficult to eradicate than infection. We should not treat colonization. Treatment is unnecessary and will increase the occurrence of antibiotic resistance.
Non-infectious diseases cause of clear antibiotics failure:
Medical disorders mimicking infection (eg. Systemic lupus and other autoimmune diseases) do not need antibiotics in the absence of documented infection.
Drug fever/drug hypersensitivity (allergic) reactions need anti-allergics.
Antibiotic unresponsive organism like most viruses require antiviral medicine or fungal infection require anti-fungal. Parasites need anti-parasitic medications and not antibiotics.
Please note : that early administration of antibiotics in the first hours is crucial for better outcome (Every hour counts).
You should avoid Mixing the antibiotics with oral or intravenous nutrition formulas.
For better drug absorption : You should not take Ampicillin, tetracyclines with food while cefuroxime and erythromycin ethyl succinate should be taken with food.