Best Food to eat for healthy nails
Many people assume that the secret to having strong, healthy nails is the way you care for them. Your nails is what you eat… Know more about nail care.
The first step to having healthy, strong nails has to do with nutrition. The surprising fact is what you eat has a major impact on the way your nails grow. The biggest nutritional tip for healthy nails is to get plenty of vitamins. Vitamin B12, vitamin A, and vitamin C all have an effect on your finger and toenails.
Vitamin A and Nail Care
One of the most important vitamins for skin and nail health. Vitamin A works to keep your nails strong and lustrous. If you do not have a large enough intake of vitamin A as well as calcium, you could find that your nails become dry and/or bitter. Bitter nails often break much more frequently and easily than stronger nails.
Natural sources of Vitamin A include Cod liver oil; Eggs; Fortified breakfast cereals; Fortified skim milk; Orange and yellow vegetables and fruits. Additional sources of beta-carotene (which is converted to Vitamin A inside the liver) include broccoli, spinach, and most dark green, leafy vegetables.
Nail Care and Vitamin C
One of the most important Vitamins as Immune booster and Skin health is vitamin C. It can work to prevent those annoying and sometimes painful hang nails. Also, protein and frolic acid work with vitamin C to keep your nails healthy and void of any hang nail problems. Amongst the natural sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits such as orange, kiwi, lemon, guava, grapefruit, and vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower are rich, natural sources of vitamin C. Other rich fruits include papaya, cantaloupe and strawberries.
Mustard a Potent Fat Burning Flavor
Protein also keeps your nails healthy in other ways. You may have noticed random white bands across your fingernails at one time or another. The Cause is often protein deficiency. make sure your intake of protein is standard can help keep your nails looking clear and healthy.
Zinc and B12 and Nail Care
In fact, Zinc also prevents white spots from appearing on your nails as well. Vitamin B12 assists in keeping your nails from becoming dried out, much like vitamin A. Without vitamin B12 nails often also become darker and the ends often curve. Sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 can keep your nails growing healthy and remaining naturally colored and clear.
Natural sources of Zinc include Meat one of the richest sources. Shellfish. Shellfish are healthy, low-calorie sources of zinc. Legumes. Legumes like chickpeas, lentils and beans all contain substantial amounts of zinc. In addition, seeds; nuts.; Dairy; Eggs and whole grains are rich source of Zinc.