Natural Home remedies for fever…You should know and try yourself
Best Natural Fever Remedies
What is normal body temperature?
What is fever?
One of the most common clinical presentations of diseases in both children and adults is fever Fever means a high body temperature. Fever is temperature higher than 37.7C°. Fever originates from the Latin word fovere which means to warm or to heat. The normal physiology is to keep body temperature within a narrow safe range in spite of large changes in milieu temperatures. Maintenance of body temperature occurs as the result of integration of different body systems that cooperate to preserve a balance between heat loss and generation. Natural Remedies for fever can help lower the body temperature more rapidly when combined with other specific medication as temperature lowering drugs and antibiotics or antivirals according to the cause of fever.
Natural Prevention and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections
Normal body temperature is between 36.5 and 37.3 C° an average around (98.6°F). Normal body temperature shows a minimal variation throughout the day. The lowest body temperature measurement occurs in early morning hours (2 am to 4 am) and the highest temperature occurs in the late afternoon. Body temperature especially in infants may also increase as a result of overdressing or strenuous exercise, especially in hot weather.
Best natural fever remedy will be discussed as well as body temperature measurement.
What are the types of thermometer?
Which is better Glass mercury thermometer or Digital thermometers?
Body Temperature is measured via thermometer. Two types of thermometer exist the glass mercury thermometer (GMT) and the digital thermometers (DT).
GMT is cheap, accurate and familiar to use.
DTs are widely used by healthcare settings hospitals and clinics as a safe alternative to GMT as they are faster and easier clearer to read and stay away from the ecological hazards of mercury. The oral temperature is the best root to obtain accurate temperature readings. However the axillary root is a better choice in case of fits epilepsy, mouth infections and/or harmful mouth trauma or ulcers. Take care the axillary root (under the armpit) gives a slightly lower reading (You have to add 0.5C° to the thermometer reading). Measuring time of mercury thermometers is about three minutes. More than three minutes does not give significant different results.
1-Bed Rest natural fever Remedy
The first natural fever remedy as well as every illness is bed rest. Bed rest is critical as is also termed cure rest. Any activity, effort or exercise can raise the body temperature causing more illness. Actually fever cause malaise and fatigue which requires bed rest by itself.
Fever causes dehydration and water loss as well as dehydration may cause and worsen your fever. Drink plenty of fluids especially if fever is associated with vomiting or diarrhea.
3- Stay Cool is a natural fever remedy
Although you may experience chills during which you needs to be wrapped in tight clothes or blanket and quilt you have to stay cool and to wear light clothes and cover with sheet or light Coffret.
4- Cold Fomentation Natural fever remedy
Cold from the fridge or icy foments are not necessary if your child cannot bear the icy foments. Tape cold water can also lower the high temperature. Fever gel cooling sheets can help decrease in the temperature of your child but when use with over the counter anti-fever medications. You can use it overnight to avoid excess increase in the temperature while you are asleep. Put the gel cooling sheet in a place inaccessible by your infant as he (she) may remove it.
5— Over
the counter (OTC) medications
Over the counter medications like paracetamol (panadol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen… In general paramol is safer than NSAIDs. Prolonged NSAIDs use can cause several side effects which include gastritis, heart burn, and nausea and kidney injury. The combined use of both Paramol with NSAIds at different time interval helps to reduce the doses of each medicine.
Avoid the use of aspirin in children (below 16 years) for the risk of Reyes syndrome as in case of recent viral infection like flu or chicken pox aspirin can cause acute liver failure and brain damage in genetically predisposed children. Reyes syndrome can be fatal.
6- You may
need to know the origin of fever.
The origin of fever can be infections: bacterial viral fungal or parasitic can cause fever. Opportunistic infections are the infections occurring more frequently or more severely in immune-suppressed patients than normal individuals. Colds, gastroenteritis, urinary ear or chest infections can all be the origin fever. Endocrinal disorders like hyperthyroidism or cancers like leukemias, lymphomas. Myocardial infarction can cause fever and slight leucocytosis also. Be aware of factitious fever including antibiotic induced fever.
7-Avoid the rush to the use of antibiotics
The use of antibiotics should be after medical consultation to confirm infection and avoid the growing challenge of antibiotic resistance. According to the cause of infection you will be prescribed antibiotic if bacterial infection or antiviral if viral infection anti-parasitic if parasitic infection or antifungal if fungal source of infections.
If your doctor recommends sputum or blood culture it is better to do the culture and start your antibiotics to get the most accurate results.
NB. Febrile
A febrile convulsion is one of the most feared complications of high temperature. It occurs in children between the age of 6 months and 5 years. Febrile fits are more common in boys than girls. Febrile convulsions are caused by high body temperature without other serious illness like meningitis than provoked them. Anti-epileptic medicines for prevention are not recommended as they are usually short duration about 5 minutes and the child is completely normal within one hour of the event. However; Febrile convulsions carry a risk of recurrence (the younger the age the higher the risk of recurrence) as well as slight increase in epilepsy in the future (2%).