Before you Welcome winter you have to know the natural remedy for colds and flus (influenza).
How to differentiate between common cold and influenza or they are the same disease.
No, Common Cold and influenza are two different diseases although they shared common symptoms.
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Influenza (Flu) has more severe symptoms and longer disease duration.
Cold cause often a runny nose (rhinorrhea) and usually do not cause serious illness. Influenza can cause serious health complications like viral pneumonia or allows for secondary bacterial pneumonias. Immune-compromised patients and allergic people are particularly at increased risk for serious illness.
Influenza can result in hospitalizations and even death. You can remember the influenza pandemics in 1918 that was responsible for the death of 40-80 people worldwide.
Fever, headaches, bony and generalized body aches are common in influenza but rare in cold. Fatigue and weakness is more common in flu than in Cold.
They are caused by different types of viruses. Influenza is caused by the influenza virus Type A, B and C while common cold is caused by more than 100 different viruses.
is better than cure.
Here are
natural ways to prevent Common cold and flu attack
What are the
best natural ways to prevent common cold and Flu?
What are the
best foods and drink to prevent cold and flu?
1-Bed Rest .
Keep warm and relaxed in your bed.
2-Healthy Habits are natural remedy for Colds and flus
Wash your hands often to get rid of microbes with water and soap or antimicrobial soap.
Keep always a clean environment for kids to play in particularly those who are allergic.
Always keep good aeration as possible even in cold days. Flu is highly contiguous.

3- Take Zinc natural remedy for colds and flus naturally .
Zinc is a trace element necessary for optimum immune system function. Zinc shortens the duration of cold according to scientific research. Meat, eggs, diaries, legumes like lentils , chickpeas and nuts are rich sources of Zinc. Zinc is also available as Zinc mainly enriched capsules or a part of multivitamin regimen. Zinc deficiency can severely impair your immunity and increase the risk of infections and certain cancers.
3- Drink
plenty of hot liquids.
Like old wives tales drink hot chicken soup with lemon, hot lemonade, hot herbal tea. Try to sweeten your hot drink with honey.
Ginger herbs as hot drink is also useful in common cold and influenza as it helps relieves the symptoms particularly nausea and vomiting of cold.
4- Garlic.
In addition to its antimicrobial and anti-parasitic actions Garlic has important antiviral properties. Garlic reduces the risk of cold infections and shortens the duration of illness as well.
5- Vitamin C immune booster natural remedy for colds and flus
The immune booster Vitamin C is important for efficiency of the immune system. Vitamin C deficiency lowers your resistance and makes you susceptible to several infections. Vitamin C is also important for the integrity of epithelial cells of the respiratory system allowing better faster healing. In fact; Vitamin C can be supplied from natural sources or as a component of multivitamins or Vitamin C solely.
Natural sources of vitamin C include oranges, Guave. Guava contents of vitamin C outweigh that of Oranges. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower , green and red peppers. Spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes as well as tomatoes and tomato juice.
6- Gargling.
Gargle for 15 seconds with salt water twice to thrice daily. Not only as a treatment but also as prevention. A half teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water will soothe the inflammation and helps flush away the microbes. A special antimicrobial gargle solution are also available.
7–Elderberry syrup natural remedy for colds and flus
Elderberry is a fruit grown from the elder tree that has effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects making it a perfect home remedy when it comes to fighting colds. Scientific research Studies showed that taking elderberry syrup can shorten colds and flus and also relieve sinus infections. Take the syrup three times per day till your recovery.
8– Vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency not only causes osteoporosis and musculoskeletal aches. Additionally; Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to depression, hair loss many cancers and infections including respiratory infections. Vitamin D is important for both the innate and acquired immunity. Therefore; Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of Cold, Flus and pneumonias.
Get adequate safe sun exposure: This is about 20 to 30 minutes of sun exposure (without sunscreen) three times weekly. Avoid the sun between 11 am and 4 pm where the ultraviolet rays has its maximum strength.
Natural sources of Vitamin D: Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon. Beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. Vitamin D fortified foods like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals.