Natural Ways to prevent Anemia
Anemia is having lower than normal healthy red blood cells (RBC) or hemoglobin content. A healthy RBC with adequate hemoglobin content will perform its mission of oxygen carrying to the different organs of the body.
we will present the natural ways to prevent anemia here for better health & happiness.
How Can I know I have anemia?
how can i know from blood picture that i have anemia?
Diagnosis of Anemia differs between male and female cause the red blood cells count and the normal hemoglobin content inside the red cells differs between male and female.
A non-pregnant female with hemoglobin < 12 g/dL or hematocrit (Hct) < 36%, while in pregnant females has hemoglobin < 11 g/dL. In men hemoglobin < 13 g/dL or Hct < 41% signifies anemia diagnosis. According to the red blood cell volume three types of anemia exist microcytic (small RBC volume) normocytic (Normal RBC volume) and macrocytic (large RBC volume). The commonest type of anemia is the iron deficiency anemia characterized by a small (RBC volume and reduced hemoglobin content) (microcytic hypochromic anemia)
Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia
bleeding either acute excessive or minimal bleeding for prolonged duration is the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia. At risk groups include the children and teens at fast growth and pregnant women who needs adequate nutrition rich in important nutrients and vitamins otherwise the rate of growth.

Easy fatigability, tiredness, pale skin and fingernails, weakness, dizziness and headache
How can i treat and prevent anemia naturally without medicine?
what are food rich in iron?
Control of any source of bleeding like piles, peptic or duodenal ulcer. additionally, excessive menstrual bleeding or recurrent bleeding nose (epistaxis) or bleeding gums. The control of the source of bleeding can be medical like vitamin C for Scurvy causing bleeding gums, proton pump inhibitors for bleeding peptic ulcers or stress ulcers or A surgical option if bleeding uterine fibroid needs removal or bleeding piles.
Please Note that as severe bleeding can cause Anemia which may be severe; Also, Anemia by itself aggravates the bleeding severity. In fact, it is a vicious circle because red blood cells are important for the coagulation procedure and blood clot formation. Parasites and worm infestations are important cause of iron deficiency anemia in school age children.
Healthy Food rich in iron Like Meat, Chicken and fish, Vegetables beans, lentils, baked potatoes and fruits like bananas, dates and apples or guava. If your kids do not like specific iron rich dish you may try do combinations like fruit salad including some of the fruits, they like in addition to apples or bananas. In addition, try to do search for new meat or chicken recipes for the kids.
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Can Carbaodeim be a natural way to prevent treat & anemia?
Carbaodeim has an effective similar role in the treatment of anemia as iron plus folic acid but more cost effective. According to medical research, Carbaodeim is a natural hematinic blend, which contains carrots, baobab (Adansonia digitata) and godiem (Grewia tenax) and has high content of iron, folic acid, vitamin C and protein.
Carrot is a root vegetable that can be eaten fresh or cooked. It contains high levels of vitamins A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and folic acid. Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is a dry fruit that has ahigh level of calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, ascorbic acid and thiamine.
As prevention is always better than cure. Check your child symptoms because the children adolescents in their growth stage. As well as the pregnant who needs adequate healthy nutrition may also need iron supplementation.
Iron supplementation may be oral capsules or intramuscular injections or intravenous form. The IV form is usually reserved for severe iron deficiency anemia with severe symptoms, Hb less than 7gm%, anemic heart failure, pregnancy. Patients with low iron stores in a patient undergoing surgery and may be at risk of severe postoperative anemia may benefit from oral or IV iron supplementation. Iron supplementation may be given alone or with other vitamins and micronutrients (trace elements) as needed. Just put in mind that Iron deficiency is the commonest nutritional deficiency in children.
Anemia particularly at the old age may raise the flag against malignancy particularly gastrointestinal cancer. in fact, meticulous investigations like upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy may be needed. Once anemia is corrected, you should not discontinue iron treatment without physician consultation.
1-Moore CA, Adil A. Anemia, Macrocytic. 2017 Jun.
2- Mugahid Faroug Mohamed Ali,Mohammed Osman Swar, and Atika Mohamed Osman. Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia with the natural hematinic Carbaodeim. Sudan J Paediatr. 2016; 16(1): 37–44. PMCID: PMC5025931 PMID: 27651552